Monday, December 28, 2009
Looking Back and Looking Forward
Monday, August 31, 2009
It's a Girl!
I have named the kitten Audrey, after my grandmother's cousin. Both the cat and the cousin have bright red hair, and they are both strong, independent women. I have been spending time with Audrey in our basement storage room, which is where she is currently living. This room is filled with boxes and other items, and Audrey feels secure hiding in its many nooks and crannies. I never chase her out of her hiding places. Instead, I lure her out with a tempting bit of rope. She likes it so much that she will forget that I'm sitting about 2 feet away from her. I also tap my fingers on the floor to attract her attention. Her curiosity tells her to investigate the sound, but her survival instincts tell her to be wary of me.
However, last night I took a book into her room when I went to visit with her. I always sit next to her litter box, because she allows me to get that close to her so I can clean it. Last night, though, I just sat and read my book. Eventually, she laid down by her litter box while I was reading. She was just six inches away from me, which is the closest she has ever come to me voluntarily. As soon as she is familiar enough with people, we can take her to the vet, get her shots and any other medical care she may need. Hopefully, we will also be able to get her spayed. My goal is to be able to take her to the vet by the end of the week.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Kitten on the Loose!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Kitten Tales
It just so happened that we were already to take our aging dog, Arlo, to the vet that morning, so we loaded up the tiny kittens in a box and took them with us. I was not originally going to go to the vet with Roy and Arlo, since I had to go to work, but the addition of the kittens changed that. The vet told us that the kittens were about 6 weeks old (I told you they were tiny), and that they were close to being ready to be weaned. They had fleas, but they were otherwise healthy. The kittens received a flea bath, and I went home with a kitten care bag filled, mainly, with Science Diet kitten food. The kittens settled into life in the Van Neste household surprisingly quickly. They were weaned off of formula in less than two weeks, and they figured out the litter box right away. They are much bigger now. Here is a picture of them at the beginning of August.
About a week after we found the kittens, now named Tigger and Ludwig, we discovered that the mother cat and a third kitten were living in our shed. Judging by its size, the kitten was part of the same litter as Tigger and Ludwig. Roy and I decided to catch the mother and kitten, if at all possible. We tried unsuccessfully to catch them several times. They disappeared after one of those attempts. We were saddened by this, but we kept watching to see if they would return. All this time, we kept putting out cat food for them.
My younger daughter, Callie, spotted the third kitten one day while we were leaving our yard to go somewhere. On another occasion, we were returning home from an outing and saw the kitten under another car parked in our yard. We didn't see the kitten again for a while, until Roy saw it in the middle of the week last week. There was no sign of the mother cat this time. We decided to try to catch the kitten again, this time using a human animal trap that we purchased for just this reason. We set the trap up last night, and...
We have not yet determined the gender, so we have not yet named him/her. I'm calling the cat Norbert for the time being. (Roy hates it, so the kitten will be getting a new name today or tomorrow.) Norbert is not feral, but he/she is very scared. We decided not to take him/her to the vet until tomorrow. Right now, he/she is in the basement with Tigger and Ludwig, although Norbert is separated from them by being in a large dog pen. We think this will help Norbert adjust to domestic life. Once Norbert has had his/her shots and anything else that needs to be done, then we can think about socializing the three of them. I'm excited about the days and weeks ahead!
Come to think of it, I don't really like the name Norbert either.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Staycation, Day 9
My younger daughter, Callie, is modeling it.
This is the Shetland Tea Shawl from A Gathering of Lace
I also spent some time today decorating my newly-designated knitting space. It contains an antique rocking chair, an antique hall stand (to which I have attached my ball winder and yarn swift), and an Ott-Lite floor lamp that I purchased during our shopping spree yesterday. The only thing that I would like to add to my corner is a yarn basket for holding the yarn I am currently working.
Staycation, Day 8
Staycation, Day 7
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Staycation, Day 6
All in all, it was a quiet day.
Staycation, Day 5
Staycation, Day 4
This is Tigger (left) and Ludwig (right). They are both male, and they are littermates. Roy found them in our yard on May 7, when they were six weeks old. Unfortunately, we have not been able to catch the mother cat or the third kitten from the litter. However, Tigger and Ludwig are thriving. They are a little over 4 months old, and they are definitely indoor kitties. We live in the country, where there are lots of wild animals who would like to make a snack of our kittens. I can't allow that. So, they live in our basement for now.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Staycation, Day 3
I finished the sweater I started for my older daughter, Beth. The sweater is the Collegiate Pullover by KnitPicks. Unfortunately, I don't remember what yarn I used. The colors are Beth's school colors, but they also match the house colors I used when I knit her a Hufflepuff (from Harry Potter) house scarf. Here is the beautiful Beth to model the sweater:
And a close-up of the sweater's design:
I also addressed a problem with my old laptop computer. It has been running slowly since June. I took some time today to clear up the problem and brought the computer back up to speed. Of course, this is a 5-year-old computer, so its speed is slower than most.
I went shopping with the family in the afternoon. We mostly bought household items. I also took advantage of a sale at Joann's Craft Store. I bought several skeins of sock yarn and the yarn I'm going to use in making a dog sweater for my chihuahua, Yoda.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Staycation, Day 2
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Staycation, Day 1
The irony about my vacations is that I never seem to get time off from work without having a sick individual, whether human or canine, to nurse. This vacation is no different. I am on vacation for the next week (plus weekends), and one of our dogs requires constant supervision. He is recovering from surgery on his ear that was performed this past week. So, I have decided to use this time to get caught up on some projects around the house.
I finished knitting a sweater that I started a couple of years ago. Here is the finished sweater:
It is the "Heirloom Aran Sweater" by KnitPicks. It is knitted with Wool of the Andes yarn, also by KnitPicks, in "Hollyberry." Here is a picture of me wearing my newly finished sweater:
The family and I did manage to leave the dog (actually, all four dogs and both cats) long enough to do some needed shopping. I picked up the yarn I will use to make a baby blanket for my friend, Cate, who is expecting. The baby is a girl, and she is due in October. Plenty of time to make the blanket.
Currently on the needles: Plain sock in Deborah Norville's Serenity Sock Weight yarn in the "Purple Spice" colorway.
Currently reading: Streams of Silver: The Icewind Dale Trilogy, Part 2
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Super Secret Knitting Project Update
I might finish it before June 16!
Friday, May 22, 2009
When it rains...
1. I love rain, because it makes the world feel peaceful.
2. Living in the woods, as I do, it is easy to see the immediate effects of the rain. The plants are much greener and no longer droop. The animals have water to drink. The world seems full of life. Except for my chihuahua mix, Yoda, who spends a lot of time hiding in the closet from thunder.
3. The well fields for much of Tampa are in the part of the Bay Area that are receiving the most rain. That means the Bay Area has more drinking water that they will waste on their lawns and cars when the storm system has passed.
We have received over 7 inches of rain at my house in the last week, and more rain is predicted for Memorial Day Weekend. Our thirsty state sure needs it.
~ Update ~
My fantastically amazing husband fixed our water tank on the one dry day we had last week. He's not completely done renovating the water system, but we once again have running water in my house. Yay!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
My Granny always called May "the month of clouds with no rain," and she was right until recently. Florida's weather has always seemed unpredictable to the untrained eye, but it actually followed a regular pattern for about a century. My Granny has lived through most of that century, and she could almost always predict the weather for any given period of time. Florida's weather rarely varied from its set pattern.
Now, though, thanks to climate change, Florida's weather has changed drastically and become quite unpredictable. We have been living in drought conditions for over five years, so rain is more than welcome, even if it is unusually early.
I hope this means that our rainy season has come early.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Interesting Times
This could be the busiest week I have had in a long time. That's saying a lot, since I work full time, go to school full time, and have a family.
Monday: My family gets news that our oldest dog, Arlo, has cancer. He has a tumor that on his neck that extends into the lymph nodes. He is 17 years old, so we are hopeful that the tumor is slow-growing and will not greatly affect his natural life span.
Tuesday: The eye of the storm. I even have the day off from work. We run errands.
Wednesday: Our water tank dies. We have well water, so we have a contraption that pumps the water from the ground into a water tank, where it waits to be used in the house and/or yard. The pump is fine, so we have water available, but we have to use buckets to bring it into the house. It's kind of like living in Little House on the Prairie.
Thursday: Roy goes outside to look for pipes with which to fix the water tank and discovers two kittens in the leaves beside the pipes. We take the kittens with us when we take Arlo to the vet for news about his tumor and options for treatment. It turns out that the kittens are almost 6 weeks old males who are not yet weaned. We decide to keep the kittens. Arlo's tumor is slow-growing, and we agree with the vet that Arlo will receive injections to further retard the tumor's growth. He gets his first injection. This should allow him to live out the rest of his life without diminishing his quality of life. He is 17 years old, so that may not be a long time, even if he didn't have cancer.
Friday: Roy is supposed to purchase and install a new water tank. (Did I mention today is Roy's birthday?) I am faxing resumes before I pick up the children, pick up dinner, and help wean the kittens.
The weekend lies ahead of us. All I can say is: Bring it on!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Signs of Summer
Monday, May 4, 2009
Magnolias and Dahlias
One of the things I love about living in the South is its foliage. Our magnolia trees are beginning to bloom, and the air is heavy with their sweet scent. Surprisingly, magnolias don't make me sneeze, unlike most other flowers.
Speaking of flowers, my dahlia was blooming nicely a couple of days ago:
Friday, May 1, 2009
Important Decision
Now, I would like to make her something that will make her feel beautiful while simultaneously sending the message that my aunt is a survivor. All I need is a few items, like yarn, needles, and notions. Actually, I need everything. My stash is not really equipped to handle spontaneous lace knitting.
Fortunately, the super secret knitting project is starting to slow down as it gets bigger. This gives me time to order the necessary supplies for this next great project.
I apologize for the secrecy. Both items are gifts, and the recipients probably read this blog. All will be revealed in due time. However, you can follow my progress on the super secret knitting project in Ravelry.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Progress and Patience
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Our Errand
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Super Secret Knitting Project
For those of you in the know about such things, I am knitting an item from A Gathering of Lace. I am using yarn and needles from KnitPicks. The yarn is Alpaca Cloud in Iris Heather. The needles are KnitPicks Options nickel plated needles.
I began work on it last night, and I am pleased with my progress. I will begin the first patterned portion tonight.
I have started this project twice before, and I got mixed up both times. Hopefully, the third time's a charm!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Wildlife Watch
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Gifts from the Knitting Fairy
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Is it possible to be in love with a classroom?
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Anti-Procrastination Day
I am currently reading: The Last Secret of the Temple
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Anti-Procrastination Day
Monday, February 23, 2009
I actually went to visit my grandfather, who has been in a nursing home for over 8 years following a stroke. He was not doing well, despite my father telling me that my grandfather was doing better yesterday than he had been the day before. I really went to tell my grandfather goodbye. This was really to provide me with closure more than anything else. He is not cognizant enough to really notice that I was there. I'm glad I went. The next time I go up there will probably be for a funeral.
My grandmother (aka Granny) was happy to see me, and I was just as happy to see her again. She is a lot of fun, most of the time. That is, she is a lot of fun when she isn't busy trying to beat you over the head with Jesus. Most of our time was spent talking about family and touring our hometown of Sanford. The tour was mostly for my husband Roy's benefit, because he had been to Sanford in the past but had never taken a guided tour of it. We went downtown, past Lake Monroe, through the old Swedish neighborhood, and to the cemetery where our family is buried. We also saw the house where Granny was born, an old bungalow built in 1922. That was nice. I want to visit Granny again soon.
We visited my great uncle Sonny. He is now in a nursing home, but he is there because needs help taking care of himself. He is not in the same nearly-vegetative state as my grandfather. He actually seems to enjoy living there. All he needs is some music, he prefers the old crooners, and his Oz books.
My father is a different story. He is a very angry man, and he was less than pleased to see me. I will be spending as little time with him as possible in the future. Actually, I feel really bad for him. He was a teacher for over 30 years, but he never learned to be happy with himself. Now, he has aged much too fast, and he looks older than my 71-year-old husband does. Sad.
I guess other people have normal families. I have this one.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Genealogy Blog Up and Running!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Happy Birthday to me!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
One Step Closer
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Spinning Wheels
I am taking my third exam tomorrow, and I haven't studied nearly as much as I was thinking I would. Sickness sucks. I am going to review a few things tonight and hope for the best tomorrow.
Friday, January 16, 2009
1. I am desperately trying to finish knitting a sweater I could have sworn I was going to have finished about two weeks ago. That didn't quite pan out, so I am trying to justify knitting instead of doing schoolwork. Perhaps starting this sweater between Christmas and the beginning of the spring term was a Bad Idea.
2. I am trying really hard not to be sucked back into doing genealogy at a time when I need to concentrate on my schoolwork. This is working better for me than finishing the sweater is, but the lure of genealogy is very strong. It lurks on the edge of my thinking at all times, waiting to pounce when my defenses are down.
3. I am taking three classes toward my master's degree in Elementary Education during the spring term. This is where my energy should be focused. However, I find my spirit flagging in the current economic crisis. Florida's legislature has decided to solve the state's current budget crisis by cutting education spending -- again. After all, who needs education? Our legislators certainly don't!
4. I am taking the last of my three state exams for teacher certification next week. I should also put some energy into studying for it.
5. I am applying for teaching jobs. I hope to begin teaching in the fall. I am currently finishing the application process. I will begin working on my resume next week, probably after I finish my exam.
I really need to finish that sweater.