Monday, August 10, 2009

Staycation, Day 7

Today was the day that I decided to block the shawl that I knit for my grandmother earlier this morning. Remember the Super Secret Knitting Project? Yeah, I finally got up the nerve to block it, and when I did, I was nearly crushed. It had come apart in one spot so that it had a GREAT BIG HOLE IN IT. I couldn't see straight. My husband made some wonderfully creative suggestions for fixing the gaping hole, none of which involved my being a total git for having joined alpaca yarn improperly. Anyhoo, I decided that I was not emotionally stable enough to attempt to fix the hole. It will wait for another day.

I also started knitting the baby blanket for my friend today. She is having a baby girl in October, so I have plenty of time to knit it. I spend a lot of my time on this today, especially after the shawl disaster. I am very grateful for a piece of easy, (nearly) mindless knitting to calm my nerves.

I finished the day by watching two episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation with my family.

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