Friday, January 16, 2009


I haven't posted for a while, so my New Year's Resolution is to be a better blogger. Here's what's happening right now:

1. I am desperately trying to finish knitting a sweater I could have sworn I was going to have finished about two weeks ago. That didn't quite pan out, so I am trying to justify knitting instead of doing schoolwork. Perhaps starting this sweater between Christmas and the beginning of the spring term was a Bad Idea.

2. I am trying really hard not to be sucked back into doing genealogy at a time when I need to concentrate on my schoolwork. This is working better for me than finishing the sweater is, but the lure of genealogy is very strong. It lurks on the edge of my thinking at all times, waiting to pounce when my defenses are down.

3. I am taking three classes toward my master's degree in Elementary Education during the spring term. This is where my energy should be focused. However, I find my spirit flagging in the current economic crisis. Florida's legislature has decided to solve the state's current budget crisis by cutting education spending -- again. After all, who needs education? Our legislators certainly don't!

4. I am taking the last of my three state exams for teacher certification next week. I should also put some energy into studying for it.

5. I am applying for teaching jobs. I hope to begin teaching in the fall. I am currently finishing the application process. I will begin working on my resume next week, probably after I finish my exam.

I really need to finish that sweater.

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