Thursday, April 30, 2009

Progress and Patience

I have finished the first of the three pattern rounds on my super secret knitting project, and I am beginning the second pattern round.  You can follow my progress on it in Ravelry.

Meanwhile, I am waiting patiently to hear from one of my job references.  I need to have my references turned in to complete my application.  This will then allow me to register for the county job fair for teachers.  This all needs to happen before 4:45 pm tomorrow afternoon.

I'm not nervous in the least.  Ha!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Our Errand

Who buys cow poo?

Apparently, we do.

Granted it is refined, granulated, and neatly packaged cow poo, but it's still cow poo.  I have no qualms about owning cow poo and using it to fertilize our newly-purchased crape myrtle and magnolia trees.  I am a mother and, by definition, have had my fair share of experiences with people poo.  Cow poo is not that different, just bigger.

What I have difficulty with is the actual purchase of cow poo.  The cow no longer needs it, so shouldn't it be free?  However, the most difficult part of this for me is the fact that there are cows across the street from our house.  That is, there is actual cow poo across the actual street from our actual house, and we (inexplicably) drove miles away from our house to a retail store to purchase cow poo.

I feel very American right now.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Super Secret Knitting Project

I am working on a super secret knitting project. It's for my grandmother, who will be visiting me in June. I want it to be a surprise.

For those of you in the know about such things, I am knitting an item from A Gathering of Lace. I am using yarn and needles from KnitPicks. The yarn is Alpaca Cloud in Iris Heather. The needles are KnitPicks Options nickel plated needles.

I began work on it last night, and I am pleased with my progress. I will begin the first patterned portion tonight.

I have started this project twice before, and I got mixed up both times. Hopefully, the third time's a charm!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Wildlife Watch

Roy and I spotted a male Summer Tanager in our front yard on Saturday! I don't ever remember seeing one before, despite the fact that I have lived in its range for most of my life.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Gifts from the Knitting Fairy

I live in on 4 1/2 acres of land in the woods.  The distance between my mailbox and my house is measured in miles.  Specifically, the mailbox is 1/8 miles from my house.  It is something of an event, especially for my four dogs, to get the mail everyday.

Yesterday, my husband and I went to the mailbox together.  We walked slowly, wary of the spider webs that invariably are strung between the trees and shrubs that line the winding path from the house to the mailbox.  We passed through the inner gate, beyond which the dogs are not allowed to venture.  There are several layers of trees above the path between the inner and outer gates, making it somewhat dark, even in the middle of the day.

Approaching the outer gate, I noticed an unusual object lying in the path.  As I got closer, I noticed it was a box.  With a label.  From KnitPicks.

I turned to my husband and exclaimed, "The knitting fairy has visited us!"

Indeed, the knitting fairy had left us a box full of the things I ordered from KnitPicks last week.

I love the knitting fairy!